
2014 Good-Time Girl’s 亮麗人生

2014 Good-Time Girl’s 亮麗人生
The Happy Vintage Years

“To clean the kitchen sink, sprinkle a good handful of baking soda over and soak well with vinegar.” – Nov 1938
 “Happiness depends largely on how you get along with other people… and friends can be your greatest source of satisfaction.” – Apr 1960
“A young man has limited income, don’t go through it all in one date.” – Jun 1959
“To take wine stains out of linen, hold the articles in milk while it is simmering on the stove, and the stains will soon disappear.” – Apr 1978
“Run a warm bath while you’re doing some chores, add delicious smelling oils or some herbs, the stretch out and relax for 10 minutes. You’ll tackle those chores refreshed.” – Aug 1980
“Fruit juice stains on a tablecloth are easy to remove if a piece of bread dipped in cold water is placed on stains immediately.” – Feb 1967
 “A golden rule worth remembering is that it’s not WHAT you serve but HOW you serve it. A simple dish, ‘dressed up’ and plenty of it, will be appreciated for more than an eye-dropper serve of caviar. ” – Dec 1955
“A garment that is fitted to your figure, taking into consideration its deviations from perfection, can do a great deal to accent your assets and conceal your liabilities.” – Sept 1967
“If the skin is clear and the natural colouring good, a girl probably doesn’t need to wear any rouge. After all, a good young skin is a thing of beauty in itself.” – Jun 1963
“Everybody should know how to swim, even if they are timid about entering the water. The reward is increased figure beauty and health, and a pastime that does not pall.” – Oct 1948
“Everyone knows that it takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown and that if you can display white teeth and healthy gums it adds enormously to the appeal of the smile itself.” – Jan 1955
“To lift a party into the something-special bracket, give it a theme. A Tree Decorating Party for instance, where your guests help with decorations, is a good Christmas party.” – Dec 1955

